Australia Day Breaky

This last week has been busy. I have worked long days at work and then Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night, I went to a conference held by Chris Harvey, a crazy high profile dynamic Christian dude, who has led massive revivals in America. He also has a rather uncanny talent of being able to play the Indian Flute, which was nice to listen to, but very bizarre. It is a hard deal maintaining a full-day-at-work and then night-out life style. I have had to race home each day, have a shower, gobble down dinner and then fly out the door to his meetings.
This morning I dragged my tired self out of bed, waited for my sister to arrive at my house, then drove up to Floreat Beach, where a lovely couple we met on Chrissy day, invited us to share breaky with them. Funny how you just meet people and make friends with them without planning to. Kim and I worked in the same work place at different times – she started after I had left for my current job. She had a desire to help out at the Mission Australia lunch on Chrissy day, so some of people at work passed my details on to her. Then she and her hubby, Mark, came along on the day and we became friends. I‘ve been meaning to catch up with them, but my life has just been so busy. Then I got this email yesterday, inviting my sister and I along to this breaky this morning…. so I though, well why not! I don’t generally hang out with my sister, we are very different in every way and just having a conversation that is riveting to both of us, is a real struggle.
So we went along. Kim and Mark have only been in Perth for three months. They are one of those crazy couples that travel extensively, house sit all over the place, work many different types of jobs and make friends easily everywhere. They invited a few work colleagues from their current workplaces and then all their diving buddies (sitting around the table). They are very passionate about diving and they go to different States in Australia or different countries and compare marine life. All their diving buddies do that! Mark was saying that it is like going to a jungle and coming face-to-face with all the animals, only it’s below the water and they have no fear of man, so they come right up to your face and you can stroke them and play with them. How cool is that. They have also gone diving to places where there have been ship wrecks and where they've found treasures, like old china plates.
Talking to all their diving friends sparked my interest in diving and I think I’ll take up their offer and give it a go some time. Two of the big fellas were diving instructors and apparently they all go diving every Friday night and they catch prawns and crayfish and eat them together. Apparently, you have to do a four-day diving course before you can give it a shot though, which costs about $250. An all-inclusive 45-minute dive costs $50 and if you want to buy your own gear, that costs around $1,500.
I think i'll try inviting them to church next time I see them. It would be nice if these guys were Christians, given their exceptional abilities to make friends so easily and make everyone feel loved and welcome.
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