Mrs O'Donohue-to-be
Last night we went to the Olive Tree Restaurant to celebrate one of our last days with young hen Malone ... before she transforms into Mrs O'Donohue on 3 Feburay 2007! It was such a beautiful venue with little fairy lights decorating the room. We all had a lovely time. Congratualtions Joelle. We are all so blessed to have you as our friend.

This would have been a good shot if the waiter hadn't blurred it! ;-)

...and a final parting shot to sum up the night. Funny how all Joelle's film crew sisters wore black last night!!! Must be built into our default systems.

This would have been a good shot if the waiter hadn't blurred it! ;-)

...and a final parting shot to sum up the night. Funny how all Joelle's film crew sisters wore black last night!!! Must be built into our default systems.

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