New Job

From the first day, I knew it was pretty special. My boss congratulated me and as I was introduced to the 40 + staff members, probably every second person also congratulated me and made a big fuss about me getting the job. That has definitely never happened in any other job. Apparently it was advertised very broadly and two of the other applicants were internal staff, much older and experienced than I am. I didn’t really think it was a huge achievement, but maybe the fact that it is in a much smaller organization, makes it more important. I also get my own very fine office with a bit of a view of the Swan River – nice! Never had my own office before.
It is so different to be in a job where you are treated as though you are special. In my first week, one of the executives came and wandered into my office and sat in one of the visitors chairs I’ve been given and I guess he just wanted to chat because he didn’t seem to have any other reason for coming in. How bizarre … executives have never been that interested in talking to me before.
There are no health-related facilities/activities attached to this place, probably because most staff are around their late 40s and somewhat overweight, and not even remotely interested in exercise, but I managed to find a sole shower that I can use after running. It was actually pretty embarrassing to use it the first few times, because it was created in their former kitchen, located in the middle of an office space, with staff sitting about 1.5 metres from the door!!! so I can hear them talking outside and they sure know when I am in there, and no one else uses it. I have used it at least twice a week at lunch times now since I started four weeks ago… so I’m used to it now.
The work itself is really interesting, very intense and very busy, I seem to be working very long days, but time flies and when you are treated like royalty, suddenly your work ethics change. This week I spent two days assisting members of four political parties learn how to map their areas of interest! and I had a meeting with the big Chief Justice of WA, who is only referred to as “Chief Justice” or “His Worship” or “Sir” or “Your Honour”. I must say my legs were trembling in his presence! … and boy do they have some amazing functions. In my second week, my boss invited me to a very high-class function after work, with extremely fancy finger food and champagne…. there’s more coming up over the next couple of weeks. Pretty nerve-wracking getting invited to very formal after-work events! …all good though. Who can complain with such a fine job. Praise God.
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