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Just a place to store some memories
At home group recently, we’ve been talking a lot about personalities. All this discussion came about because Clayton came across a book called ‘Personality Plus' by Florence Littauer and he lent all of us his copy to read and then we all disseminated the information further – to our families, work colleagues and friends. I even bought my boss a copy.
The test (available here) produced a Sanguine outcome for me. I am almost certain that my boss has a Melancholic personality, which is why he frustrates me. I really adore him, but there are just little things about his management style, which sometimes push me too far.
For example, one morning I spent about three hours designing queries in a program called Microsoft Access in order to extract some data out of a huge database, then I exported the data into a Microsoft Word report and formatted it. This was about 80 pages worth of pure statistics. I checked all the numbers and formatted it carefully. Then I handed it to my boss. A little while later he comes into my office with a big frown on his face saying ‘No Michelle, all these place names need to be in UPPERCASE font” (I had done them in Title Case font) and he had even noticed that I had used the space bar (instead of the Tab key) on the keyboard to indent some text. He wanted it all to be done with the Tab key, despite the end result being exactly the same!!! I couldn’t believe it. I then spent the next three hours re-doing the report. Totally insane!!! People look at the report for the content, not the formatting, but even still, the formatting looked really good before I gave it to him!
It seems every time I hand him reports, brochures or presentation slides, they are never to his satisfaction. I remember another day spending about half the morning putting together a lovely brochure to communicate the changes in legislation that had occurred over the years. Everyone I showed it to thought it was great, so I then gave it to my boss. He wanted the right hand column in one table brought in 2cm, the numbers centred in the table columns instead of aligned to the right and a couple of the headings underlined, instead of bolded. What a nutter!!!
The book provides some absolutely hilarious examples of other disagreements between the Sanguine author and her Melancholic husband.
If I recall right, these are the home group folk’s personality types:
* Clayton – phlegmatic /melancholic
* Ewen – phlegmatic/melancholic
* Ali - phlegmatic/melancholic
* Christie – sanguine/choleric
* Katie - sanguine/choleric
* Relle – sanguine/melancholic
Have to confirm that.